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Skibbekudden, Vindelälven

4.0 i "vägt snittbetyg" (1)

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  • Betyg: 5Amazing white, sandy beach! You can walk alongside the stretch for at least a mile!
    The beautiful official naturist / nudist area of the beach is actually located just around the bay of the marker at the north end of the very beach. Well worth a try with its shallow waters and stunning picturesque scenery!
    No other facilities at the nude section of the beach other than some benches and a grill area aside the parking space.
    The nude area was a little to crowded though when we visited this summer.
    For more info look it up on the official scandinaviannaturist organization site.
    Lots of locals

    12 0 2018-01-09 kl. 11:51

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